I decided I'm going to branch out a little bit, I've seen a lot of people doing "one a day photo blogs" where they take a new picture and share it each day, and improve their skills. I want to do something similar, but it won't be everyday, mostly on the weekends or when I have the time. I've always enjoyed photography, and some of these pictures are not going to be the traditional Digital pix edited in Photoshop to make it look better. So I'm posting first some of my favorite B&W film, (Yes, 35mm film) prints I did last year. I'm very proud of these, since I shot, developed and printed each one of these, the old way. I still love the look of film pictures, I know Digital can capture vibrant colors, but there's something nostalgic about film. The last one, of the bike tire was entered into an art contest at the college I was attending, I received an Honorable Mention for it.
So more to come.